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TALA Soccer Training believes that to truly achieve holistic player development the soccer learning environment must provide an intersection of technical, tactical, physical, social, and cognitive challenges within each activity and phase of player development. With this as our goal, we find it important to identify the intentional design of our 'both/and' philosophy of player and cognitive development. TALA Soccer Training emphasizes a thinking-and-doing approach to experiential learning.  At TALA Soccer Training players will develop technical skills and situational awareness while learning a deeper understanding of the game and their process of learning through the utilization of the Orientation-Learning-Implementation Methodology of training session design. Our sessions provide players with game-specific challenges to develop solution-focused players who are able to make fluid decisions and take specific action(s) that will positively influence the outcome of the game. TALA Soccer Training sessions are designed to move players through the Orientation, Learning, and Implementation phases of holistic player development utilizing game realistic activities that require players to process information leading to enhanced self-correction with the emphasis on the benefits of continuous improvement and learning through the development of key player behaviors.       

“There is no room for criticism on the training field. For a player - and for any human being - there is nothing better than hearing ‘well done’. Those are the two best words ever invented in sports.”


SIR Alex Ferguson 

Manchester United manager 

winner of 38 trophies in 26 season

PLAYER Development

TALA Soccer Training utilizes a teaching and learning philosophy to educate and develop each player to their full potential. Within our model, the coach’s role is to intentionally plan and design each session based on the desired learning outcomes of the individual player(s). We believe in goal-based training, meaning that every session is intentionally designed and facilitated to assist the player in learning and improving through the structure of progressive teaching methodologies and the TALA Cycles of Cognitive and Player Development.

Every TALA Soccer Session is individually developed after reviewing a completed player self-evaluation form, understanding the player's soccer-specific short-and long-term goals, and after talking with the family and the player to best understand variations in individual learning styles and motivators. TALA Soccer Training is dedicated to creating an intentional learning environment to most effectively assist each player and family in reaching and exceeding their identified soccer-specific goals and areas of desired improvement.

All TALA Soccer Training programming is intentionally designed to assist our players and coaches:

to learn. to develop. to improve.


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"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."


Brazil National Team

FIFA Player of the Century

Identify a training session goal with topic-specific Learning objectives and player outcomes based on A player self-assessment. 

Connect the training session goal and key player actions to the larger context of the game through structured phased activities utilizing open-ended questions that present a game realistic challenge with multiple solutions.

Maximize the developmental environment with adaptive and progressive Phased
game-realistic activities
and guided facilitation utilizing the Orientation-Learning-Implementation process of experiential learning.

Provide guidance and positive insight while
encouraging self-analysis and self-awareness through divergent open-ended questions, command keywords, demonstration, and the adaptation of the
learning environment
as related to the players identified learning preferences.

What solutions did I discover through my process? What did I do that worked well? What do I want to continue to Improve? how did my training relate to my personal best? How can I self-correct in the moment?
What did I learn about my process? when and how can I implement my learning in a game? WHat influnece does my mindset have on my decision-making process?

refine through self-corrective awareness based on an understanding
of the presented challenge and
how it relates to the larger
context of the game.
create and exercise a variety of potential solutions. Adapt, Plan, and apply forward thinking.
Understand how your process influences the outcome. 
​Compete against your
previous learning outcome(s).

"We must seek joy and inspiration as much in training as in competition." 


Johan cruyff

European Player of the Century

Three time Ballon d'or winner

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